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Linha 21: Linha 21:
Remove the "echo" command to execute the action of delete
Remove the "echo" command to execute the action of delete
=List Storage Container=
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
==Managed Identity==
az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table
Login with Managed Identity
=Remove Storage Container=
az login --identity
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az login --identity --username <client_id|object_id|resource_id>
az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table |xargs -i echo az storage container delete  -n {} --fail-not-exist
==Service Principal==
=Get VirtualMachine With Boot Diagnostics enabled=
===Create Service Principal ===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].[name,id,vmId,diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri]" -o table
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --name "<name>" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<name>" --skip-assignment true

=Disable VirtualMachine Boot Diagnostics=
===Extend secret expiration date===
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].id" -o table | grep ^\/ | xargs -i echo az vm boot-diagnostics disable --ids {}
$ az ad sp credential reset --id <Client_id> --years 1
*[ Azure Policy]
*[ Built-in roles for Azure resources]
==Create Service Principal ==
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --name "<name>" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID"

*[ role-based-access-built-in-roles]
*[ role-based-access-built-in-roles]
*[ role-based-access-control-manage-access-powershell]
*[ role-based-access-control-manage-access-powershell]
Linha 142: Linha 136:
--resource-group <nome do resource group>  
--resource-group <nome do resource group>  
=List Storage Container=
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table
=Remove Storage Container=
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table |xargs -i echo az storage container delete  -n {} --fail-not-exist
=Get VirtualMachine With Boot Diagnostics enabled=
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].[name,id,vmId,diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri]" -o table
=Disable VirtualMachine Boot Diagnostics=
<syntaxhighlight lang=bash>
az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].id" -o table | grep ^\/ | xargs -i echo az vm boot-diagnostics disable --ids {}
*[ Azure Policy]
*[ Built-in roles for Azure resources]

=Virtual Machine images=
=Virtual Machine images=

Edição atual tal como às 16h40min de 10 de julho de 2023

Manage Orphans Resources

Get Orphans Disks

az disk list --query "[?managedBy==null].[name,id]" -o table

Delete Orphans Disks

az disk list --query "[?managedBy==null]|[].id" -o table |grep ^\/|xargs -i echo az disk delete --ids {} -y

Remove the "echo" command to execute the action of delete

Get Orphans NetworkDevices

az network nic list --query "[?virtualMachine==null].[name,id]" -o table

Delete Orphans NetworkDevices

az network nic list --query "[?virtualMachine==null].id" -o table| grep ^\/ | xargs -i echo az network nic delete --ids {}

Remove the "echo" command to execute the action of delete


Managed Identity

Login with Managed Identity

az login --identity
az login --identity --username <client_id|object_id|resource_id>

Service Principal

Create Service Principal

$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --name "<name>" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<name>" --skip-assignment true

Extend secret expiration date

$ az ad sp credential reset --id <Client_id> --years 1


  • Listing Roles
az role definition list --query "[].[roleName]" -o tsv 
  • Listar Grupos
az ad group list
  • Listar App Keys
az ad sp list
azure role list --json | jq
azure role list --json | jq '.[] | {"Name", "Description"}'
az role definition list| jq '.[]|{"properties"}'| jq '.[]|{"roleName"}' > roles.json
  • Exibindo propriedades de uma role:
azure role show "Role_Name" --json | jq
  • Listar Resource Groups
az group list
  • Listar Roles de um resource group
azure role assignment list --resource-group "imagens-comum" --json | jq
  • Listando permissões de um usuário, inclusive herdadas por um grupo
azure role assignment list --expandPrincipalGroups --signInName usuario@dominio --json
  • Criar uma Role
azure role create --inputfile NS_CriarImagens.json
    • Criar uma role com AZ CLI
az role definition create --role-definition @stopstart.json


	"Name": "StopStartVm",
	"Description": "Can read, stop, start, restart and deallocate vm",
	"Actions": [
  "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]


    "Name": "CriarImagens",
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [],
    "AssignableScopes": [
    "Description": "Permite gerenciar imagens de VirtualMachines.",
    "IsCustom": "true"
  • Alterar uma role
azure role set --inputfile <file path>
  • Adicionar uma Role em um Resource Group para um grupo de usuários
azure role assignment create \
--objectId <id do grupo de usuário> \
--roleName "<nome da role>" \
--resource-group "<nome do resource Group>"

az role assignment create  \
--assignee <ID/nome do grupo> \
--role <nome da role> \
--resource-group <nome do resource group> 

List Storage Container

az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table

Remove Storage Container

az storage container list  --query "[].name" -o table |xargs -i echo az storage container delete  -n {} --fail-not-exist

Get VirtualMachine With Boot Diagnostics enabled

az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].[name,id,vmId,diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics.storageUri]" -o table

Disable VirtualMachine Boot Diagnostics

az vm list --query "[?diagnosticsProfile.bootDiagnostics!=null].id" -o table | grep ^\/ | xargs -i echo az vm boot-diagnostics disable --ids {}


Virtual Machine images

List Images

List images from a subscription

az image  list  --query "[].[location,name,resourceGroup]" -o tsv | column -t

List images from marketplace

  • Listing publisher:
az vm  image list-publishers --location brazilsouth --query "[].[name]" -o tsv 
  • Listing images from publisher:
az vm image list-offers -l brazilsouth -p MicrosoftRServer
  • List SKU image:
az vm image list-skus -l brazilsouth -p MicrosoftRServer -f RServer-WS2016 --query "[].[name,id]" -o tsv

Resource Groups

Listing Resoruce Grops

az group list  --query "[].[name,location]" -o tsv | column -t| sort -k1


#Variables declaration
export AZ_VMNAME=machine
export AZ_RG=test
export AZ_REGION=eastus2
export AZ_DISTYPE=Standard_LRS
export AZ_VNET=virtual-us
export AZ_SUBNET=subnet01
export AZ_CONTAINER=upload
export AZ_STOACCOUNT=stor01
export AZ_VMSIZE=Standard_D3_v2 

function UPLOAD_VHD() {
	az storage blob upload \
		--container-name $AZ_CONTAINER \
		--file $AZ_VMNAME.vhd \
		--name $AZ_VMNAME.vhd  \
		--account-name $AZ_STOACCOUNT \
		--max-connections 16

function CREATE_NIC() {
	az network nic create \
		--resource-group $AZ_RG \
		--name $AZ_VMNAME-nic \
		--subnet $AZ_SUBNET \
		--vnet-name $AZ_VNET
function BLOB_LIST() {
	az storage blob list \
		--account-name $AZ_STOACCOUNT \
		--container-name $AZ_CONTAINER \
		-o table |\
			grep -i ned | \
			awk '{print $1}' | \
			while read valor
				echo az disk create \
					--resource-group $AZ_RG 
					-n $(echo $valor | awk -F . '{print $1}') 
					--source https://$$AZ_CONTAINER/$valor 
					--sku $AZ_DISTYPE
function CREATE_DISK() {
	az disk create \
		--resource-group $AZ_RG \
		-n $AZ_VMNAME \
		--source https://$$AZ_CONTAINER/$AZ_VMNAME.vhd \
		--sku $AZ_DISTYPE
function CREATE_VM() {
	az vm create \
		--name $AZ_VMNAME \
		--resource-group $AZ_RG \
		--attach-os-disk $AZ_VMNAME \
		--attach-data-disks $AZ_VMNAME-asm01 $AZ_VMNAME-asm02  \
		--nics $AZ_VMNAME-nic \
		--location $AZ_REGION \
		--os-type linux \
		--size $AZ_VMSIZE 

	seq 1 9 | while read serial
			az disk create \
			--resource-group $AZ_RG \
			--name $AZ_VMNAME-asm0$serial \
			--sku $AZ_DISTYPE \
			--size-gb 1023
			if [ $rc -eq 0 ] 
				az vm disk attach \
				--disk $AZ_VMNAME-asm0$serial \
				--resource-group $AZ_RG \
				--vm-name $AZ_VMNAME \
				--lun $serial

Transfer virtual machine to another region

#!/bin/bash -x

export RG=
export NEWRG=
export SNAPNAME=
export LOCATION=eastus
export NEWLOCATION=brazilsouth
export DISKNAME=
export VHDNAME=vm_osdisk.vhd
export CONTAINER=vmimage
export SANAME=
export SAKEY=""
export OSTYPE=windows # or "linux"

function DISK2BLOB() {
  #Create VM disk snapshot
  az snapshot create \
    --resource-group $RG \
    --name $SNAPNAME \
    --location $LOCATION \
    --source $DISKNAME

  #Export SAS URL from the snapshot
  export SAS=$(az snapshot grant-access \
                --resource-group $RG \
                --name $SNAPNAME \
                --duration-in-seconds 7200 --query [accessSas] -o tsv)

  #Transfer SAS objet to a storage account
  az storage blob copy start \
    --destination-blob $VHDNAME \
    --destination-container $CONTAINER \
    --account-name $SANAME \
    --account-key "$SAKEY" \
    --source-uri "$SAS"

  #Check operation progress
  while true
    az storage blob show \
      --container-name $CONTAINER \
      -n $VHDNAME \
      --account-name $SANAME \
      --account-key "$SAKEY" \
      --query "properties.copy.status"
    sleep 90

function BLOB2IMAGE() {
  az snapshot create \
    --resource-group $NEWRG \
    --name NEW-$SNAPNAME \
    --location $NEWLOCATION \
    --source-storage-account-id /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$NEWRG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$SANAME \
    --source https://$$CONTAINER/$VHDNAME

  #Criar image from snapshot
  az image create \
    --resource-group $NEWRG \
    --name NEW-$SNAPNAME \
    --source /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$NEWRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/NEW-$SNAPNAME \
    --os-type $OSTYPE \
    --location $NEWLOCATION


# az storage container generate-sas \
#   --name $CONTAINER \
#   --account-name "$SANAME" \
#   --account-key "$SAKEY" \
#   --permissions r \
#   --https-only \
#   --expiry "$(date -u -d "300 minutes" '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ')"